Friday, November 8, 2019

CKern_LESSONPLAN1 Essays - Arbordale Publishing, Lesson Plan

CKern_LESSONPLAN1 Essays - Arbordale Publishing, Lesson Plan Lesson Plan 1 Chloe Kern ESEPSY 2309 Ohio State University Age: Kindergarten Subject: Science Topic : Living vs Nonliving Things Time + Pacing Central Focus of Lesson: At the end of the lesson, students should understand the definition and examples of living and nonliving things. Part 2: Content Objectives Differentiate between living and nonliving things. Provide examples from their everyday lives of these things. Name characteristics of both living and nonliving things. Compare and contrast living and nonliving things. Key Vocabulary Living Nonliving Nutrients (in video) Prior Academic Learning and Prerequisite Skills: Students will be using what they know about living things in their own life to come up with a definition. Using examples from what they already know and see in the world helps them to build schema. Students should also have a prior knowledge of how to use scissors, put art supplies away, and use glue. Materials Needed Scissors Glue Paper with 2 categories (one for each child) Pictures of living and nonliving things "Living Things and Nonliving Things: A Compare and Contrast Book" By Kevin Kurtz Projector Computer Board Back Up Plan: If materials such as the pictures of living and nonliving things or glue are not readily available, then the children will be told different items and be asked to draw these living and nonliving things. Part 3: Lesson Introduction Gather children in a group and begin to discuss living and nonliving things. Examples of questions to ask: "Are we living or nonliving?" "Is a book living or nonliving?" "Are animals living or nonliving?" "What makes something living?" Write their ideas of what makes something living on the board and discuss briefly. 5-10 min Introduction of New Information Play video: Living Things and Nonliving Things | Living | Nonliving | Kid's Science | 1st Grade Learning ( ) Ask questions about the video and add or erase any of the characteristics of living things on the board with the help of the children. Read "Living Things and Nonliving Things: A Compare and Contrast Book" By Kevin Kurtz This book shows that some nonliving things can move (ex: fire) and helps the children to better compare and contrast living and nonliving things. Ask comprehension questions about the book. 15-20 mins Learning Activities Children will receive a piece of paper with two categories: living and nonliving. They will also receive pictures of things that are living and nonliving. EXAMPLES Animals Plants Books Fire Children will be asked to cut and glue the different pictures on either category on the paper. 20 min (more time can be added if necessary) Closure (Presentation/Recap): Use this time to make any concepts more clear or answer any questions. Each child will share examples of one living and one nonliving thing that they have seen with the class. 5-10 min Necessity of Art Components This art project will help students visualize living and nonliving factors. If the students can connect their ideas of living and nonliving things personally through the grouping, it may help them to remember more information about this topic. Informal Assessments The teacher will go around while each student is working on their artwork/matching and listen to the conversations going on between group members. The teacher will be able to address misconceptions and steer students in the right direction if needed. Informal assessment will also be given when students are sharing their ideas of living and nonliving things with the group. Formal Assessment Assessment will be based on the children's ability to place living and nonliving things in the correct categories. This lesson plan helps children to build off of their previous knowledge of what it means to be living or nonliving. It will help to clear any misconceptions by giving them a checklist and examples of things that have aspects of both. I began by asking the children questions that were based off of their previous experiences and coming up with a working definition. Writing the ideas on the board will help them to see if there are any conflicting ideas. During this time I would not tell the students whether they are correct or incorrect, I would ask questions to help guide them to a correct answer. The next part of the lesson, watching the video, will begin to help students acquire new information about the definition of living and nonliving. Asking questions about the video will help the children to add to or take away things from the list on the board. This will

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